And, are we really so against it as of now?

What does idling mean?

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Idling as a verb, is defined as passing the time doing nothing. Nothing as a noun, refers to that which is nonexistent. And because rhetoric is defined by the contrast of silence, we can start to see the confusion this story walks through.

Speech is a beautiful intersection of consciousness and ignorance. It allows us to see past the physical realm of cause and effect; it shows us the irrationality of time without beginning and end.

When we enclose ourselves in concepts of duality, we can accept the truths that come with each lie. Nothingness, perhaps the belle of the senseless ball, transports us to philosophy halls echoing questions of “How can not being be?”

Similarly, idling takes the form of our questions of virtue, and gives us the space to reflect “are we experiencing a harmonious state?”

When we surrender to the observation of others and somehow balance it with an equal responsibility to our egos, we accept meaning is co-created and constantly recalibrated.

As we demonize certain activities with all our perpetrators, we can also see we are all angels serving chaotic dictators.

Our natural affection for movement is related to the vacuum our minds rely on; the contrast is a framework to appreciate the rock we are watching from.

Just as the concept of zero took some time to digest, perhaps all we ever need is time to see the balance we all share.

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