In a theoretical free-market economy, prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand. Whether we blindly trust in Adam Smith’s “invisible hand,” or we choose to see how those hands materialize themselves in the forms of taxes and other regulatory tools; pricing strategies are choices made in decentralized systems acting in comparative harmony.
Birds of a feather flock together, and similarly, pricing choices are often made with some level of self-awareness in mind; we choose not to stand out so much, so all that’s left is the smoke of our vanity and accusations.
Insurance companies collaborate in the logistics enterprise by compensating for the uncertainties of life and its road. Insurance carriers provide a vital sense of security for the ways regulations must contradict ourselves; to keep up with a system, we call society within relative forms of respect.
In the United States, government agencies such as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), the Maritime Administration (MARAD), the Department of Transportation (DOT), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), just to name a few, are involved in developing and enforcing transportation regulations that align individuality with mutual respect for collaboration.
So, at the intersection of regulations and the designed chaos of the free market, truck drivers and all other carriers that keep commerce going must find a way to benefit all co-creators.
Insurance companies serve as gatekeepers informing the market about who can access the road, and what is the toll for our journey worth.
In other words, truck drivers that prove they will not be a liability later down the road, are empowered drivers that can negotiate earnings from one delivery to the next.
Now we are seeing the invisible lines between driver compliance and the payoff of obliging with the rules of the road. The better a driver can present oneself as a cooperative partner in the logistics cycle, the more likely one will be offered lower insurance premiums and look more and more appealing to any shipper or individual with trucking services needs.
Truck drivers who are interested in choosing to take the power back in the recruitment and compensation process are those who hold ourselves responsible for our up-to-date state driving records (MVR), federal (PSP) driving records, prior employment history, valid medical card, hazmat or other endorsements, defensive driving or other course certificates, and drug and alcohol clearinghouse records.
The harmonizing cycles of life and rebirth in this organic physical life allow us to make choices that have consequences. Individuals looking for the compass of our destinies choose to look inwards and accept; any outside perspective is a straightforward reflection of what we project.
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